Open Source Portal Server Selection

Jing Xue's Weblog is an interesting blog from portals perspective. He is nowadays evaluating various open source portal servers. He has already evaluated JBoss, Liferay, GridSphere, and Jetspeed. I guess the eXo and Stringbeans are in the process of evaluation. Here is what he has to say for various open source portals -

JBoss Portal & Liferay



Open Source Portal Servers and GPL

You would have seen few useful posts on the same subject on this blog. These posts in conjunction with Jing Xue’s posts can help you in choosing the right portal. To bring everything on one page, here are the old links –

Which Open Source Portal Server to Choose?

Choosing an open source portal server

Best Open Source Portal Server?

[Update - July 23, 2005]
Another post on the same topic by Apoorv -
