Web Clipper Portlet

Web Clipper (also called Screen Scrapper or URL Scrapper) is the fastest way to bring (integrate) existing web application into portal. Nearly all commercial portals come with some kind of out-of-box Web Clipping portlets. Though, those web clipping solutions are not powerful enough and cannot always meet enterprise requirements. That is the reason, we can see various third party solutions in the market. Red Oak solution is the latest addition to the list of Web Clipper Portlet vendors -

Check Red Oak Press Release

Other than Red Oak, few other products also support enterprise level web clipping portlets. Here are two popular products -

1. Clickmarks Portlet Factory
2. Kapow RoboSuite

There is also one open source solution named PortletBridge which looks quite powerful. PortletBridge has been presently tested with following portals -
  • Pluto 1.0.1
  • JBoss Portal 2.2
  • JBoss Portal 2.0
  • LifeRay Professional 3.6.0
  • Gridsphere Portal 2.1.1
  • uPortal 2.5.1


  1. IBM WebSphere Portal also has web clipper portlet. Works pretty well.

  2. Anonymous11:10 PM

    There is also Convertigo Web clipper from twinsoft, completly integrated in an Eclipse based dev studio

  3. Anonymous11:12 PM

    There is also Convertigo Web Clipper from Twinsoft, generating JSR 168 portlets. The dev studio is based on Eclipse.

  4. Anonymous11:12 PM

    There is also Convertigo Web Clipper from Twinsoft, generating JSR 168 portlets. The dev studio is based on Eclipse.


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