eXo Portal Merges into JBoss Community

Just now heard that eXo Platform merged portal software development into JBoss Community. I am watching open source portals for a long time and here is my understanding of what it means to everybody -

What it means to eXo
- eXo will be able to expand in USA where it was struggling for a long time

What it means to JBoss
- In absence of any real apps, JBoss Portal was more of a portlet container rather than a full flegged portal. JBoss suited as a middleware platform, but really lacked features (portlets/ apps) required for a portal. By this partnership JBoss will be able to get CMS, Groupware and couple of other applications that will make it competitive in open source portal market.

What it means to eXo-JBoss
- eXo-JBoss will be able to compete Sun-Liferay that was gaining market-share day by day.

What is means to everyone
- Open source portal market will become more competitive and hence we will se better open source portals in future.

I want to congratulate Benjamin, Julien and everybody involve in this partnerhip. Way to go.

Here is the press release for more information -
Partnership announcement press release


  1. Hello Puneet, I too have Indo blood (my father is Sikh, mhy mother is British)and the talk of astrology got me.


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