Tsunami, Disaster and Me

I am quite regular when it comes to blogging. But due to time constraint, I am not able to post for the last few days. My last post was on 9th December i.e. around 20 days back. And it is the day when I had written first time about Tsunami, the content management solution by Oracle. That day I had no idea about the meaning of this dangerous word Tsunami and nor I bothered about it. But this word from my last post was probably telling something to me. And now I am much aware about it. I don't know what was it. Was it a correlation or a hint to an astrologer?

If you have no idea about it, Tsunamis are the killer waves that have swallowed life of more than 25,000 people in a single day. According to the rediff.com, an Indian portal, around 25000 may have died in Indonesia alone. The counting has reached to around 10,000 in India and it is still going on. 30,000 people are missing in Andamans, a small island of India. So the final count will be unimaginably high for sure. If you want to know more about Tsunami and the disaster, here is the link for details - Tsunami -- the killer waves.

So why I am writing all this on my portal blog? I know that I have very good readership and I want to request my readers to help the victims. Here is how you can help -

How you can help tsunami victims

You never now how many lives will be saved/ helped by your contribution.


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