List of Open Source Portal Server in Java

Jeff on his blog, Uncommented Bytes, has shown Jetspeed 1 as his portal of choice. I had not given Jetspeed 1 in my list of choice instead I had given Jetspeed 2 (yet to release) in my list. He was of opinion that Jetspeed 1 and Jahia should be in the list.

There are two reasons for not adding these two in the list. Jetspeed 1 is not JSR 168 and WSRP compliant. I had JSR 168 as primary criteria for my list. Without JSR 168 support whatever work you are doing will not be reusable. It is very clear that all vendor dependent API will soon die. There is no use of going for vendor depended APIs. As the Jetspeed 2 will support JSR 168 and WSRP, I had added it in the list though it is yet to be released.

There are lots of question marks on Jahia being open source. As Jahia is not open source, I decided to take it off the list.


  1. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Jahia is OpenSource.
    It's just expensive...


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