Vignette Announced JSR 168-Compliant Portal

AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 4, 2004--Continuing to deliver on its mission to drive enhanced business efficiency, Vignette Corp. (Nasdaq:VIGN) today announced initial availability of Vignette(R) Application Portal 7.0, part of the Vignette(R) V7 family of products. Vignette Application Portal 7.0 has been certified by Vignette on the Sun Microsystem's Test and Compatibility Kit (TCK) for compliance with the recently adopted JSR 168 portlet interoperability standard. With this move, Vignette believes that it has become the first independent software vendor to announce a self-certified JSR 168 portal.

Vignette First to Announce Self-Certified JSR 168-Compliant Portal; Vignette Application Portal 7.0 Also Supports Comprehensive Localization and Standards for Universal Access

Vignette's JSR168-Ready Portal


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