Portal Popularity Ranking - February 2005

Last time when I made the similar post, we had around 200 votes on the portal poll. Since then, the total number of votes has doubled and we have slightly new equations. Seeing the change, I decided to post it again with the revised tally. Here is the latest tally -

Note: Others contain Oracle, Plumtree, Vignette, SAP NetWeaver and MS Sharepoint portals with 5, 4, 5, 1 & 1 percent votes respectively.

Here are some quick facts & observations -
  • The total votes were 419 on the day of counting.
  • eXo portal is still leading but with lesser margin this time.
  • It seems that eXo, Liferay and IBM WebSphere Portal are approx. equally popular (at least among the forum members)
  • Another poll in the community shows that around 60% members use open source portals.
  • Open Source portal servers are more popular than their commercial counterparts.


  1. Anonymous11:36 AM

    The problem with your poll is that it does not reflect the market. Microsofts SPS share can not be discounted as according to their sales figures it accounts for 2500 portals (no not WSS sites) or 30million CALs which they state is generating 400 mil $ in revenue since the launch of SPS2003. Now I can't audit them except to say I have seen some pretty high profile SPS installations in various sectors. All trends would seem to indicate that Forrester is basically correct in predicting that 80% of the deployments will be either IBM or MSFT within 3 years.

  2. What is your experience with portal.oracle.com
    Oracles Online Portal System?
    I Use it.

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Where do you consult this information?

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Where do you consult this information?

  5. The source of this information is the poll conducted at our own community. You can find the details at - portlets community

  6. Anonymous4:12 PM

    What a wonderful invention it is, this thing we call the Internet!

  7. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Couldnt everyone USE FREE Advertising and Marketing Resources?


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