Enterprise Portal Content Management

Content Management is one of the major motivations behind portals. But it is really unfortunate that there is no portal solution (at least in java world) that can fulfill even the basic content publishing requirements. A basic content management solution contains at least a content repository, content creation methods, content publishing methods, workflow and an API for content manipulation.

In the past I have given a look on few major portals and reached to this conclusion. First, as usual, I have given a look on various open source portals. But other than the basic content repository and few APIs, I wasn't able to find anything. Means no open source portal can be used as an instant content publishing solution. The affair on commercial portals is also muted. The best portal server, in my opinion is IBM WebSphere Portal Server (again in java world). It comes with it's own content publishing tool called WebSphere Portal Content Publisher (WPCP). It can be used for small and medium size business but it lacks the feature for an enterprise content publishing.

There are various third party content management tools available but it is not easy to integrate them with portal sever. For example Interwoven Teamsite has support for many portal servers including IBM WebSphere Portal and BEA WebLogic Portal but it is not easy to integrate it fully with the portal servers. Also there are some licensing issues. So here comes the closing words - If you are planning to use portals merely for content publishing, it seems not a good idea in current scenario.


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I agree with you on WPS, but I think it's the best portal server in any area. At my job we've been developing for WPS for a large organization and have spent some time looking for a lower-end portal server for our internal needs but it isn't possible to find one that approaches the functionality of WPS (we can't afford a WPS license of our own).

    At any rate, the work we've done depends heavily on IBM's Lotus Workplace Web Content Management server (colloquially known as LWWCM, formerly known as Aptrix). It's very easy to use as well as being quite powerful. Unfortunately, it's difficult to integrate the current version into WPS. The next release promises to be easier. I'm not sure about cost, but I imagine it's $$$$.


  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    It is quite affordable i.e. $9,999 :-)

  3. Anonymous9:30 PM

    The new Vignette Portal has enterprise-strenght integration of Portal and Content Management. I am surprised nobody mentions it on this blog.

  4. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I agree on the Vignette comment. They new Dynamic Portal CMS->Portal integration is strong.

  5. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Are there any known issues integrating Interwoven and BEA Weblogic Portal 8.1?

  6. Anonymous7:55 AM

    There is also the Vyre Unify Content Management Portal.
    It is a framework for content and digital asset management built on JSR168 portlets.

  7. Anonymous11:25 PM


    I am satish,

    I have issue, in getting properties files of type .xml from bea content repository.

    String fileName=//Wartsila/navigation/navigation_en.xml
    In my java files i am saying
    InputStream is = pageContext.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(fileName);

    In bea virtual content repository i am able to see file structed =//Wartsila/navigation/navigation_en.xml

    But still it is saying :
    Error reading Navigation XML document: at node com.bea.content.Node@1af4de3 id: /Wartsila/2312 createDate: Tue Jun 20
    18:22:32 IST 2006 createdBy: weblogic hasChildren: true
    modifiedBy: weblogic modifiedDate: Tue Jun 20 18:22:32 IST 2006
    objectClass: com.bea.content.ObjectClass@22a11b id: /Wartsila/2003 name: navigation_xml
    primaryPropertyDefinition: null
    propertyDefinitions: null
    path: /Wartsila/navigation/navigation_en.xml
    parentId: /Wartsila/2307 type: 1 (No such file or directory)


    Can any one pls help me how should i go to fix


  8. Anonymous10:31 PM

    We are using TeamPortal from Interwoven. This has JSR168 compliant portlets for Enterprise-strength content management. Features include in-context editing, workareas, versioning, workflow etc. right within the portal. Also secure sign on.

  9. Anonymous7:48 AM

    The new released CMS 2006 from CoreMedia provides you with a very good Portal Integration. You might integrate and edit your content from the CoreMedia CMS into IBM Websphere and SAP Enterprise Portals.


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