Portal Survey

Portal failed to deliver enterprise benefit still portals rank high on the list of must-haves for many in the enterprise.

Forrester done a portal study surveying 83 employees involved in portal projects in both business and IT roles at companies with $100 million or more in revenue. They have come up with some reasons for portal project failure and suggestions for choosing the portal

* Know portals' best uses and limitations before launching a portal project.
* Before launching a project, "clean house first by putting supporting infrastructure and services in place and getting content in order."
* Don't start with enterprisewide projects: Some functional areas and business processes run well on their own, so don't shoehorn them into a broad-reaching portal initiative.
* Businesses should use system integrators and development partners with expertise in their industries, or with expertise in the specific business problems they face.

Reason of Failure:
* Lack of support for portal standards i.e. JSR 168 and WSRP.
* Lack of budget estimation at initial stages.
* Too many choices resulting in too many incompatible portal products.
* Weaker alignment with business goals.

They concluded the report with "weak alignment with business goals, soft budget justification, and too many choices doom rudderless portal projects and threaten to bury this technology in the app development platform."

Despite this, portals rank high on the list of must-haves for many in the enterprise. Thirty-four percent of IT decision makers named portals second to security as the technology they expected to purchase in 2004.


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