My play with the technologies like Portlets, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Virtual Reality (VR).
Portlets - Few More Articles (Jetspeed)
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I found few more portlets/ portals related links and articles here. Most of the articles are Jetspeed (and somewhat IMB Portal) related.
Recently I saw a message in Firebase Console to upgrade my Firebase property to Google Analytics property. Such properties are called Google Analytics App + Web properties in GA after upgrade. The primary benefit for upgrading the property that I see is that we can see all Firebase Analytics data in Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a tool that we all have used for years and it is slightly easier for me. I am also more comfortable doing analysis using Google Analytics than Firebase Analytics. On top of that we also get benefit of third party integrations like AdWords (now Google Ads) integration if we get all the data from Firebase Analytics into Google Analytics. So, I upgraded my Firebase property to Google Analytics property. The was a pleasant experience to see all Firebase Analytics data in Google Analytics in the format that I understand much better. But soon I realized that there is one important part missing. On The Go, I use Google Analytics App to get a quick glance of ...
Today Google informed me the launching of various new portal products. There are two development tools and two products. These are few of the important trends that I thought will be prominent in 2005. It looks coming out to be true. Here are two old posts reminding the same. RAD & Visual Portlet Tools Enterprise Portal Trends And here are the News stories - Clickmarks Teams With Plumtree Software to Deliver Rapid Portlet ... New webMethods Portal Release to Accelerate Composite Application ... Unicon Inc. Releases New Version of Academic and Administrative ... Bowstreet Debuts Workforce Management Suite; Solution Streamlines ... This is not all. Every portal vendor is now trying to consolidate on development tools front. Also not to tell that we will soon see more and more existing applications being Portalized. Uhum ... my astrology is working for enterprise portal market too :-)
Writing Java applications in Visual Studio Dot Net seems an interesting idea. MainSoft promises that only. I have not given it a try, but will be very interesting to check it out. Here is the latest news that talks about this product - Visual Studio and Java?
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