
Showing posts from August, 2005

InterWoven Worksite Integration with MS SharePoint Portal Server 2003

Microsoft & Interwoven recently announced the integration of Interwoven WorkSite with Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003. Though Microsoft and Interwoven were working together on quite a few other projects, but it is really very interesting news as it will strengthen Microsoft SharePoint Portal with features like Collaborative Document Management whereas it will open altogether new market for Interwoven. It is definitely win-win partnership for both the companies. Me and my company Yash Technologies Inc., being player in both SharePoint portal as well as WorkSite, will definitely take a special note of it. Check the press release from Interwoven

BEA to Acquire Plumtree

Another day and another acquisition by BEA. The first question that came into my mind is about the future of Plumtree. Whether Plumtree is going to survive or it is the end of it? Different people do have different opinion. You can check few of them at TSS - BEA to Acquire Portal Vendor Plumtree Software Here is another opinion - Another Acquisition At this stage nobody knows the correct answer but here is my 1 cent. I believe that using Plumtree, BEA wants to enter into the market where there is no IBM ghost. Both IBM and BEA are strong infrastructure portal players, but IBM's aggression was leaving very little for BEA. After acquiring Plumtree Software, BEA will have new market as well as some more breathing time. It will also get hold on technologies like portal integration with dot net, collaboration services and content management services where BEA was not much strong till now.