
Showing posts from February, 2004

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Portal White Papers and Comparisons

Here you will find few more resources related to java portals (Oh no, not again). But wait, what I found interesting is links to all java based open-source portals' website and portal products evaluation reports. I have seen a lot of people searching for portal comparisons and portal white papers.

WebSphere Portal Articles Collection

If you are WebSphere Portal developer and looking for all articles from IBM at one place, this resource is for you. You can say what's great in that, I can use google or IBM website itself. Yes, you are right, I also didn't find it much useful for my development purpose. One thing that can be useful for you is a little introduction of each article. Articles are categorized into difference categories like "Portlets Environment," "Portlets Configuration," "Core Portlet Objects" etc. Here is the link again.

WebSphere Portal Articles Collection

If you are WebSphere Portal developer and looking for all articles from IBM at one place, this resource is for you. You can say what's great in that, I can use google or IBM website itself. Yes, you are right, I also didn't find it much useful for my development purpose. One thing that can be useful for you is a little introduction of each article. Articles are categorized into difference categories like "Portlets Environment," "Portlets Configuration," "Core Portlet Objects" etc. Here is the link again.

WebSphere Portal -- Technology Previews

IBM has made JSR 168 and WRSP technology preview available for it's WebSphere Portal Server. Please check the link - JSR 168 technology preview looks nothing but 'version 2.0' of Stephen Hepper's article written few days back. I have still not gone trough WSRP preview, so I can not comment anything on that. Anyway, it seems useful for JSR 168 developers who want to migrate to WebSphere Portal (I know there are not many) as well as IBM WebSphere Portal developers who want to understand JSR 168 specifications and API.

Vignette Announced JSR 168-Compliant Portal

AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 4, 2004--Continuing to deliver on its mission to drive enhanced business efficiency, Vignette Corp. (Nasdaq:VIGN) today announced initial availability of Vignette(R) Application Portal 7.0, part of the Vignette(R) V7 family of products. Vignette Application Portal 7.0 has been certified by Vignette on the Sun Microsystem's Test and Compatibility Kit (TCK) for compliance with the recently adopted JSR 168 portlet interoperability standard. With this move, Vignette believes that it has become the first independent software vendor to announce a self-certified JSR 168 portal. Vignette First to Announce Self-Certified JSR 168-Compliant Portal; Vignette Application Portal 7.0 Also Supports Comprehensive Localization and Standards for Universal Access Vignette's JSR168-Ready Portal

Web standards make portlets portable

Two new specifications - Web Services for Remote Portals (WSRP) and Java Specification Request (JSR) 168 - promise to jump-start enterprise portal development. Read complete story.

Portlet and Related News

Some news that might interest you - Novell exteNd 5 Reduces Web Services Complexity with Intuitive XML-based Visual Development Workplace a work in progress New Verity(R) Ultraseek Features Web Services Interface to Further Simplify Integration

Ease Communication Between Portals and Back-End Systems

I found this article on "Web Services Journal" titled "Ease Communication Between Portals and Back-End Systems." I am still trying to figure out who are the intended readers and what exactly has the author written about. Anyway, please let me know in case you are able to figure it out. Ease Communication Between Portals and Back-End Systems

Free Portlets

You are looking for some source of free portlets? I assure you that you are not going to get many. What's  more, if you got some, you probably would not be able to deploy on your server. Most of the portal servers are not compatible to each other. You can not deploy IBM WebSphere portlets to Oracle Portal Server and so on. Most of the portal server and not fully compatible with JSR 168, the interoperability standard for portlets.  Yes, You will think yourself lucky reaching to POST (Portlet Open Source Trading Site) website. But alas, you will not find many of portlets there. Anyway you can start with few portlets there and soon we hope to see more portlets. Here is a list of Portlet Catalog for your server.  POST (Portlet Open Source Trading Site) - JSR 168 IBM WebSphere Portal Catalog Oracle Portal Catalog http://portalcat...